Workaround for KB 887212
... or "You cannot join your computer to a domain in Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005"
Problem: KB 887212
Added: 2006-05-29
Joining a domain within' Media Center 2005
Happy new year. Oh and creamhackered, could you not come up with
something better than 'DLL Patching Hero'?
IMPORTANT NOTE: Tekmaven brings up a valid point -- Those that join a domain with Media Center 2005 will not be able to use extender devices due to the Fast User Switching dependency (who uses extenders anyway?)
UPDATE (January 8th): I have received news the Linksys MCE Extender device works fine when joined in a domain.
UNIMPORTANT NOTE: Yes, I know this is somewhat painful for us lazy folk. If you want to pick up where I left off, go patch netapi32.dll, lsasrv.dll, netid.dll (and more?) to ignore the IsLegacyMce value (beware of future hotfixes). Or maybe you could write a nifty restricted-registry-key-permission-bypassing-mabob to make this change on the fly?
Insert Windows XP CD. Start > Run > X:\i386\winnt32.exe /cmdcons (replace X: with the appropiate drive letter) Acknowledge prompt by clicking 'Yes'. Skip updating process by clicking 'Cancel' or by pressing 'Esc' After installation, acknowledge success msg. by clicking 'Ok' Start > Shutdown > Restart At boot menu, select 'Microsoft Windows Recovery Console' Select proper installation to log onto (default: 1) and press 'Enter' (If prompted, enter Administrator password and press 'Enter') Type (without quotes) and press enter: 'cd system32\config' Type (without quotes) and press enter: 'copy SYSTEM C:\' Type (without quotes) and press enter: exit At boot menu, select 'Windows XP Media Center Edition' Log into Windows and play a game of minesweeper (very important) Start > Run > Type: 'regedit' and press enter Click on 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'. File > Load Hive... Browse and select C:\SYSTEM Specify key name 'BANANA' and click OK Expand: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > BANANA > WPA > MedCtrUpg On the right-hand side, double-click IsLegacyMCE value Change selected value to 1 and click Ok. (THAT IS NOT AN L!) Click on BANANA subkey (under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). File > Unload Hive. Confirm. Start > Shutdown > Restart At boot menu, select 'Microsoft Windows Recovery Console' Take sip of Dr. Pepper (very important) Select proper installation to log onto (default: 1) and press 'Enter' (If prompted, enter Administrator password and press 'Enter') Type (without quotes) and press enter: 'cd \' Type (without quotes) and press enter: 'copy SYSTEM C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM' (Yes, you want to overwrite - Go ahead and do it) Type (without quotes) and press enter: 'del SYSTEM' Type (without quotes) and press enter: 'exit' At boot menu, select 'Windows XP Media Center Edition' Take a **** while you wait. Join domain. What, you were expecting instructions on this too? (Pfft!)
Thanks goes to Chris123NT, Dyne, Creamhackered, LispyGlitter2, and ChaoServer (why is he here?) for unknown reasons.