#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; # vim:ts=3:sw=3:noet # Walter Doekes (C) 20060412 for Studenten.net # License: GPLv3 # # Call us as "/cgi-bin/$0?some@email.address". # We'll reply with an HTTP status code. # When you get 5xx, you can safely assume the email address is false. # # # Changelog: # * 20060503: # - Using the second/other priority MX's as well, but try the highest # first. # - Also trying 3 times to connect, because some overloaded servers # respond with an RST. # - Dies with invalid address when IP is encountered, like it # should (because that's an invalid MX). # # * 20060505: # - Fixed that a failing dig does not exit, but returns void like it # should. Redirects stderr to /dev/null and returns if hostname # starts with a minus (option) sign. # # * 20060509: # - Fixed that we try the A record if no MX is available. # # * 20060517: # - Added a timeout for connect. Some of hotmails servers time out # a lot. Try a different one after 5 seconds (there are plenty of # others). # # * 20060614: # - Added CONNECT_TIMEOUT variable. Fixed so that alarm doesn't fire # after connect has succeeded but script is waiting (e.g. on a server # doing a blacklist check). # # * 20061213: # - Added an IO_TIMEOUT. # # * 20070122: # - Added RSET before QUIT. This should be more server-friendly. # - Removed the /usr/bin/dig parsing, using Net::DNS now instead. # - Changed around a lot with status codes. Now we should be able # track down mailserver oddities more swiftly. # # * 20070823: # - Added mysql cache. See MYSQL_* settings and CACHE_TIME. # CREATE TABLE smtpvrfy_cache (email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, # INDEX(email), checked DATETIME NOT NULL, status INT NOT NULL, # message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, extra VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL); # - Shuffled around a bit in the code to accomodate for the cache. # # * 20080109: # - Don't use the cache in debug mode. # - Added write timeout. # - Added MY_SOURCEIP to use if you want to bind to a particular IP. # # * 20080221: # - Changed TRY_AGAIN http status code to 401. Firefox interprets 408 # nowadays, which causes a browser error to appear. All scripts should # only use the first digit, so this change should not matter. # # * 20080225: # - Replaced <> (diamond operator) reading to recv-reading. We were # using select and "[one] should not attempt to mix buffered I/O # (like read or ) with select, except as permitted by POSIX, # and even then only on POSIX systems. You have to use sysread # [or recv] instead." # # * 20080319: # - Changed to , an # address which must exist. Some servers do source address # verification... # # * 20080403: # - Fixed recv-reading. Multiline talk from peer failed miserably. # - Added 421 handling on welcome. # # * 20080806: # - Fixed recv-reading when peer sends less than usual data. # - Minor cleanup before publishing. # ######################################## # S E T T I N G S ######################################## # Some servers explicitly check the source address and accept only # the reverse hostname for that IP. It helps if you set the following # values: my $MY_SOURCEIP = undef; # e.g. '' my $MY_HOSTNAME = undef; # e.g. 'host01020304.your.ptr'; # The FROM test needs a valid(ish) e-mail address. YOU MUST SET THIS my $MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 'email-address-that-does-exist@yourown.domain'; # Mysql caching? my $MYSQL_DB = ''; # doesn't use caching if unset, otherwise, set db name my $MYSQL_USER = 'myusername'; my $MYSQL_PASS = 'mypassword'; my $CACHE_TIME = 600; # Print all kinds of debug messages. Set to 0 to use it as a cgi script. my $DEBUG = 0; # Allow the connect (syn, syn+ack, ack) to take at most N seconds. my $CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5; # Allow the connected session to take at most N seconds. (Make it large..!) my $IO_TIMEOUT = 300; # Try every smtp server N times. my $RETRY_COUNT = 3; ######################################## # D E F I N E S ######################################## # Success my @RCPTTO_SUCCESS = (250); # Servfail, Mailbox busy, No disk space, No disk space my @RCPTTO_EAGAIN = (421, 450, 452, 552); # General error, Non-local user, Ambiguous user / Disallowed, Transaction failed my @RCPTTO_EINVAL = (550, 551, 553, 554); # Own errors my %STATUS = ( NO_EMAIL_PARSE => [5, '501 Email does not look like a valid e-mail address.'], BAD_DOMAIN => [5, '502 Domain does not exist or unparseable IP.'], CONNECT_FAILED => [5, '503 Connect timed out or rejected.'], IO_TIMEOUT => [5, '504 Read/write timeout.'], PROTO_ERROR => [5, '505 Protocol error.'], INTERNAL_ERROR => [4, '401 Internal error, try again later.'], TRY_AGAIN => [4, '400 Temporary error, address might be valid.'], IO_TIMEOUT2 => [4, '400 Temporary error, read/write timeout.'], INVALID => [5, '500 User does not exist.'], UNKNOWN => [4, '402 Unknown situation. Mail the developer.'], SUCCESS => [2, '200 Address validated.'], ); ######################################## # G L O B A L S ######################################## # Load modules use Socket; eval 'use DBI;' if $MYSQL_DB; # (libdbi-perl) for sql cache use Net::DNS; # (libnet-dns-perl) # Create objects my $RESOLVER = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(); my $DBHANDLE; $DBHANDLE = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$MYSQL_DB", $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_PASS) if $MYSQL_DB; ######################################## # F U N C T I O N S ######################################## # Reads a single line from the SMTP socket # @return aLineOrEmptyOnError { my $buffer = ''; # global to smtp_gets only sub smtp_gets { # Add to buffer unless we have a line already while ($buffer !~ /\n/s) { print STDERR "|| (filling read buffer)\n" if $DEBUG; my ($rin, $win, $ein); $rin = $win = $ein = ''; vec($rin, fileno(SMTP), 1) = 1; $ein = $rin; my $nfound = select($rin, $win, $ein, $IO_TIMEOUT); if (int($nfound) == 0) { print STDERR "|| (read timeout)\n" if $DEBUG; return ''; } my $buf; my $ret = recv(SMTP, $buf, 8192, 0); if (!defined($ret)) { print STDERR "|| (EOF or Error) ($!)\n" if $DEBUG; return ''; } $buffer .= $buf; print STDERR "buf=\"\"\"$buffer\"\"\"\n" if $DEBUG > 1; } $buffer =~ s/^(.*?)\r?\n//s; print STDERR "<< $1\n" if $DEBUG; return $1; } } # Puts data on the SMTP socket # @param data The string to send. # @return successBoolean sub smtp_puts { my $line = shift; my ($rin, $win, $ein); $rin = $win = $ein = ''; vec($win, fileno(SMTP), 1) = 1; $ein = $win; my $nfound = select($rin, $win, $ein, $IO_TIMEOUT); return 0 if int($nfound) == 0; # timeout.. # Go, go, go print STDERR ">> $line\n" if $DEBUG; # Assume we'll send all in a single send.. these are tiny messages.. my $ret = send(SMTP, $line . "\r\n", 0); return 0 if $ret == 0; return 1; # "Everything" is sent, we hope ;) } # Reads protocol status code from the SMTP socket, # takes void, # returns (intCode, strMessage). sub get_smtp_status { my $line = smtp_gets(); return (int(400), "400 Read timeout.") if $line eq ''; # timeout or EOF.. $line =~ /^(\d{3})([ -])(.*)$/; my @ret = (int($1), "$1 $3"); # Flush input buffer that starts with "nnn-..." while ($2 eq '-') { $line = smtp_gets(); return (int(400), "400 Read timeout.") if $line eq ''; # timeout or EOF.. $line =~ /^($1)([ -])(.*)$/; } return @ret; } # Query smtp server # takes strUserPart, strDomainPart # returns (intStatus[2..5], strMessage, strExtraInfo). sub query_user_through_smtp { my ($user, $domain) = @_; my @mxs_with_pref = mx($RESOLVER, $domain); my @mxs; foreach my $mx (@mxs_with_pref) { push @mxs, $mx->exchange; } # RFC says we have to try the domain if no MX record is listed. push @mxs, $domain if @mxs == 0; print STDERR "|| Data: user = $user, domain = $domain\n" if $DEBUG; my ($i, $mx, $iaddr, $paddr, $haddr); TRYING: for($i = 0; $i < $RETRY_COUNT; ++$i) { foreach $mx (@mxs) { socket(SMTP, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) or return @{$STATUS{INTERNAL_ERROR}}, 'Can\'t create socket.'; # We may want to use a particular source IP. If it fails, ignore it. bind SMTP, sockaddr_in(0, inet_aton($MY_SOURCEIP)) if $MY_SOURCEIP; print STDERR "|| Connect: " . $mx . "\n" if $DEBUG; $iaddr = inet_aton($mx) or return @{$STATUS{BAD_DOMAIN}}, 'Failed inet_aton.'; $haddr = inet_ntoa($iaddr); print STDERR "|| Ip: $haddr\n" if $DEBUG; return @{$STATUS{BAD_DOMAIN}}, 'Hostname resolves to localhost.' if $haddr eq ''; $paddr = sockaddr_in(25, $iaddr); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { return; }; alarm($CONNECT_TIMEOUT); print STDERR "|| (alarm $CONNECT_TIMEOUT seconds)\n" if $DEBUG; last TRYING if connect(SMTP, $paddr); print STDERR "|| (alarm didn't fire!)\n" if $DEBUG; alarm(0); } } } alarm(0); return @{$STATUS{CONNECT_FAILED}}, 'All MX\'s timed out or rejected us.' if $i == $RETRY_COUNT; # failure after N tries print STDERR "|| (connected)\n" if $DEBUG; $iaddr = getsockname(SMTP); my ($port, $saddr) = sockaddr_in($iaddr); $saddr = $MY_HOSTNAME || inet_ntoa($saddr); my (@ret, @status); @ret = get_smtp_status(); if ($ret[0] != 220) { shutdown(SMTP, 2); return @{$STATUS{TRY_AGAIN}}, 'Got 421 (try again later) on welcome.' if $ret[0] == 421; return @{$STATUS{PROTO_ERROR}}, 'No 220 in welcome.'; } return @{$STATUS{IO_TIMEOUT2}}, 'Write timeout on HELO.' unless smtp_puts("HELO $saddr"); @ret = get_smtp_status(); if ($ret[0] != 250) { smtp_puts("QUIT"); shutdown(SMTP, 2); return @{$STATUS{PROTO_ERROR}}, 'No 250 on HELO.'; } return @{$STATUS{IO_TIMEOUT2}}, 'Write timeout on MAIL FROM.' unless smtp_puts("MAIL FROM: <$MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS>"); @ret = get_smtp_status(); if ($ret[0] != 250) { smtp_puts("QUIT"); shutdown(SMTP, 2); return @{$STATUS{PROTO_ERROR}}, 'No 250 on MAIL FROM.'; } return @{$STATUS{IO_TIMEOUT2}}, 'Write timeout on RCPT TO.' unless smtp_puts("RCPT TO: <$user\@$domain>"); @ret = get_smtp_status(); smtp_puts("RSET"); # Microsoft sends 5xx instead of 2xx. get_smtp_status(); smtp_puts("QUIT"); shutdown(SMTP, 2); # skip shutdown if timeout is reached.. # don't want fins taking too long if (grep(/$ret[0]/, @RCPTTO_SUCCESS)) { return @{$STATUS{SUCCESS}}, 'Peer said: ' . $ret[1]; } elsif (grep(/$ret[0]/, @RCPTTO_EAGAIN)) { return @{$STATUS{TRY_AGAIN}}, 'Peer said: ' . $ret[1]; } elsif (grep(/$ret[0]/, @RCPTTO_EINVAL)) { return @{$STATUS{INVALID}}, 'Peer said: ' . $ret[1]; } else { return @{$STATUS{UNKNOWN}}, 'Peer said: ' . $ret[1]; } } # Get the query from sql cache if available, # takes strUser, strDomain, # returns (intStatus[2..5], strMessage, strExtraInfo). sub query_user_from_cache { return unless $DBHANDLE and $DEBUG == 0; my @ARGS = @_; # pass-by-value semantics foreach (@ARGS) { s/'/\\'/g; } my ($user, $domain) = @ARGS; my ($r, @status); # Flush old stuff $r = $DBHANDLE->prepare("DELETE FROM smtpvrfy_cache WHERE TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), checked)) > $CACHE_TIME"); $r->execute; $r->finish; # Get current email $r = $DBHANDLE->prepare("SELECT status, message, extra FROM smtpvrfy_cache WHERE email = '$user\@$domain'"); $r->execute; @status = $r->fetchrow_array if $r; @status[2] .= " (cached)" if @status; $r->finish; return @status; } # Insert the status message into the cache, # takes strUser, strDomain, intStatus, strMessage, strExtraInfo # returns void. sub insert_user_into_cache { return unless $DBHANDLE and $DEBUG == 0; my @ARGS = @_; # pass-by-value semantics foreach (@ARGS) { s/'/\\'/g; } my ($user, $domain, $status, $message, $extra) = @ARGS; my $r; # Insert $r = $DBHANDLE->prepare("INSERT INTO smtpvrfy_cache (email, checked, status, message, extra) " . "VALUES ('$user\@$domain', NOW(), $status, '$message', '$extra')"); $r->execute; $r->finish; } # Check the email address for validity, # takes strEmail, # returns (intStatus[2..5], strMessage, strExtraInfo). sub get_email_account_status { my $email = shift; $email =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; return @{$STATUS{NO_EMAIL_PARSE}}, 'Failed regex "^(.+)@([^\.].*\.[a-z]{2,})$".' unless $email =~ /^(.+)@([^\.].*\.[a-z]{2,})$/s; my ($user, $domain) = ($1, $2); my @status; if ((@status = query_user_from_cache($user, $domain)) != undef) { print STDERR "|| Got data from cache\n" if $DEBUG; } elsif ((@status = query_user_through_smtp($user, $domain)) != undef) { print STDERR "|| Got data from smtp query\n" if $DEBUG; insert_user_into_cache($user, $domain, @status); } else { print STDERR "|| Got nothing" if $DEBUG; @status = (4, 'Internal program error', 'query_user_through_smtp returned void'); } return @status; } ######################################## # M A I N ######################################## my $request_uri = $ARGV[0]; my @status = get_email_account_status($request_uri); if (1) { print "Status: 200\r\n" if $status[0] == 2; print "Status: 401\r\n" if $status[0] == 4; # Firefox interprets 408 suddenly, using 401. print "Status: 502\r\n" if $status[0] == 5; print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n"; print "\r\n"; print "$status[1] ($status[2])\r\n"; } else { print "Iets anders @status\n"; }