#!/bin/sh # vim: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et ai: # # easycert.sh -- Walter Doekes, 2012,2013 -- version:3 # command line tool for generating KEY+CSR and/or testing SSL servers # can be run as cgi script country=NL city=Groningen organisation="OSSO B.V." email="info@osso.nl" run_help() { echo "Usage: $0 -c NL -l Groningen -o OSSO\ B.V. -e info@osso.nl osso.nl" echo "Usage: $0 osso.nl \"/C=NL/L=Groningen/O=OSSO B.V./CN=osso.nl/\"" echo "Usage: $0 -T www.osso.nl" } run_test() { host="$1" port="$2" echo "The list below should be logically ordered," echo "and end with a self-signed root certificate:" echo output="`openssl s_client -connect "$host:$port" &0 | sed -e '/^Certificate chain/,/^---/!d'`" if [ -z "$output" ]; then openssl s_client -connect "$host:$port" &2 ls "$dst."* | sed -e 's/^/ /' >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -t 0 ]; then echo "Subject: $subject" echo -n 'Enter to proceed...' read yes fi # Generate new private key openssl genrsa -out "$dst.key" 4096 >&2 # Allowed by user and group (WARNING) chmod 640 "$dst.key" # Generate new csr openssl req -new -key "$dst.key" -out "$dst.csr" -subj "$subject" -batch >&2 # Allowed by user and group chmod 640 "$dst.csr" echo "$dst.csr" } cgi_get() { cat <<__EOF__
Common Name (domain.tld or *.domain.tld for wildcard)
__EOF__ } cgi_post() { eval "`cat | python -c 'import urlparse for k,v in urlparse.parse_qs(raw_input()).items(): if k in ("cn","organisation","email","city","country"): print "%s='\''%s'\''" % (k,v[0].replace("\\"","").replace("/","").replace(",",";").replace("'\''",""))'`" # "`"`" # vim.. break out of syntax fun if test -n "$cn" -o test -n "$organisation" -o test -n "$email" -o test -n "$city" -o test -n "$country"; then echo "Invalid arguments...
" exit 0 fi # DON'T CD TO /tmp! REBOOT AND THE KEYS ARE GONE! home=/srv/easycert echo "Generating in $home...
" if ! test -d $home; then echo "Cannot chdir to /srv/easycert...
" exit 0 fi cd "$home" subject="/C=$country/L=$city/O=$organisation/CN=$cn/emailAddress=$email" file="`run_generate "$cn" "$subject" &0`" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Failure...
" exit 0 fi echo "Generated: $file
    cat "$file"
    echo "
" } # If we're called as CGI script, so CGI stuff if test -n "$GATEWAY_INTERFACE"; then printf "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n" if test "$REQUEST_METHOD" = "POST"; then cgi_post else cgi_get fi exit 0 fi # Default CLI action is generate action=generate # Trick: we use getopt(1) to reposition the arguments, because the builtin # getopts plays POSIXLY_CORRECT and refuses to do so. Builtin getopts gives us # the feature to take quoted arguments options=Thc:l:o:e: temp=`getopt -o $options -- "$@"` [ $? != 0 ] && exit 1 eval set -- "$temp" while getopts $options opt; do case $opt in c) country="$OPTARG" ;; l) city="$OPTARG" ;; o) organisation="$OPTARG" ;; e) email="$OPTARG" ;; T) action=test ;; h) action=help ;; *) exit 1 esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) case $action in help) run_help ;; test) [ $# != 2 ] && echo "Action test requires host and port!" >&2 && exit 1 host="$1" port="$2" run_test "$host" "$port" ;; generate) [ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "Action generate requires common name!" >&2 && exit 1 [ $# -gt 2 ] && echo "Action generate takes at most two arguments!" >&2 && exit 1 cn="$1" [ -n "$2" ] && subject="$2" [ -z "$2" ] && subject="/C=$country/L=$city/O=$organisation/CN=$cn/emailAddress=$email" if ! echo "$subject" | grep -q ^/; then echo "Subject does not start with '/'." >&2 exit 1 fi run_generate "$cn" "$subject" ;; esac